March 29, 2025

Top 10 Things to Put in Your Purse

Top 10 Things to Put in Your Purse

Ever flipped through that magazine for women? You must have read an article with the headline ‘Top 10 Things to Put in Your Purse‘ and you may be familiar how it goes. Usually, an interview of a makeup artist is printed instead, that increases your knowledge when it comes to the latest and the best cosmetic products that are a must-have. A lady has to look good, no matter what, and product to color your skin is the only way to do so.

No one ever tells what items a woman should always carry in her bag so as to be ready to face any small obstacles that come in your way to looking fantastic. It is not the brand new fuchsia pink lipstick or the waterproof mascara. It is something that helps you look neat and composed at all times. Obviously, when you go out, you are ready with your hair styled, wearing makeup and dressed up in the best way possible. But what if your hair is spoiled because of that one bobby pin that is lost, or the makeup is wearing off badly as you sweat profusely or you lost the top button of your shirt? You would not want to be in a mess of that sort. Instead of advertising cosmetic and such products, we would like you to know of these small items that can be a life- saver, fixing your small problems that you tend to face every now and then. You should have them in your bag all the time to be free of small worries as these are the best hacks to keep on looking like a stunner all day long!


Most of us choose not to include blotting papers when it comes to adding necessary items in our bags to carry. But why so? Think clearly, they can be of use anytime. If you are a mother, who has had babies, you will already know the importance of blotting papers, as it can be used to wipe the babies saliva off his face often, or wipe the mess he/she creates by spilling things here and there. It can also be used to cleanse the body. No wonder it, Johnsons&Johnsons has been including it in the babies’ care pack for decades now. However, if you are not a mother as yet, you should not think that you will have no use of blotting papers. You may need to lighten your glossy eye makeup, lessen the amount of gloss on your lips or absorb the small beads of sweat on your face.

Top 10 Things to Put in Your Purse


Another necessary item that you should always have with yourself. Who knows when you need it and for what? One can get small scratches and wound anywhere, anytime and from anything. You must have had paper cuts or gotten a splinter in your skin sometimes just like that, and had wished you had a band aid to cover the small scratches. Other than covering scratches and minute wounds, to prevent further damage, it can also be used to avoid such a thing from occurring in the first place. The nail is getting longer and there are chances it must get cut in a painful way? Or maybe you end up playing football and hurt your big toe. Sometimes, the shoes we choose to wear are just too uncomfortable that we end up with our skin getting scratched awfully. Simply cover these areas with a band-aid so that you don’t have to worry about such things at all.


One should always have this in his/her bag. With so many cards (debit cards and visiting cards), you can always mix them or lose them in a large bag. You may choose to keep it aligned in your small wallet, but then again, wallets can be easily stolen and you certainly don’t want to lose all your important cards.  Other than that, people who are working or studying, almost always have a few papers to take care of. If you don’t want to lose them easily or get the crisp and neat papers all crumpled and stained, then you should make this an essential item to carry in your bag at all times.

Top 10 Things to Put in Your Purse


Cell phones have become a part of basic necessities in our life. It is important for communication all around the world. If one does not have a mobile, he/she feels completely hopeless at times. It has become our friend that is available at all times, to help you figure out how to reach a certain destination (Google maps) and in many other cases. Without this device, one feels completely lost. Therefore, it is very important to keep it fully charged every time you decide to go out. You may have an important call or message, have to be on a long trip or worse need help in a dangerous situation. What would you do if the battery of you cell phone dies out? Wouldn’t it be hell? Better buy a power bank. For one, it does not cost too much. Secondly, all you have to do is charge it and then you won’t have to worry about your phone’s battery- you can charge it anywhere anytime. Moreover, it is portable!


All of us keep getting our hands dirty all the time, although unconsciously.  Touching unhygienic places, shaking hands with so many people, squeezing or coughing on our hands and holding stuff that had previously been in a lot of other people’s hand, who may or may not be diseased- these are some of the few ways we can get germs on our hands. These can ultimately be detrimental to our health as we can easily catch viral diseases. The majority of the people do not care to wash their hands before eating, hence inviting diseases. Obviously no one can carry a bar of soap and water everywhere with them to wash their hands clean of such germs. Instead of that, you can carry a small bottle of sanitizer with yourself everywhere. Just squeeze some on your hands and rub them together and you will get rid of all germs.


Struck by a catastrophe or a wardrobe function of any sort, these are the things that will save the day for you. Keep them in your purse or handbag, wherever you are going. Be it a office, school or a trip, you can lose a button, you can lose the lock of your necklace, your handbag’s zip may stop functioning properly or you simply may need to fix your scarf anytime. They come in all sizes- small, medium and large- so that you can use them according to the magnitude of the harm. If you are a young working lady or a housewife with children to take care of, always keep them near your reach, for you could need them anytime.

10 Things to Put in Your Purse


We all love our earrings, don’t we? Our collection has earrings in all shapes (round, studs, long ones that are usually dangling from our earlobes) and sizes (big, small, medium) and all are precious. Some are expensive, other less so. But there are a selective few that are the dearest to you for different reasons. It may be an important gift by an important figure in your life, or as it usually happens with all females, a certain type that suits you at all times (you see, if one can carry studs like Marilyn Monroe, the other may not be able to). And there are some that go with almost every piece in your wardrobe, therefore, have become your signature. So losing them is a big deal. You can hardly ever replace the beautiful little thing with something else. To make sure you don’t lose them (the irony is, they are very easy to lose), always keep extra earring backs to secure them on your ears.


With the advent of technology and nearly every work being carried out on laptops and PC or important work being saved here, the need to have all your data with yourself at all times has become obligatory. The chances of losing your work, your laptop getting damaged internally, or presenting work anywhere, are high. The invention of USB flash drive has made life easier. Now, instead of carrying your laptop everywhere with you, all you need to do is carry this portable device that is not even half as heavy as the laptop. Also, if (God forbid) you have an important presentation at college or office, and your laptop stops functioning properly, you will not have to face immense stress and humiliation, if you save all your work here.


The days are tough for everyone. We all have to get up early, to start a monotonous day with so much work that sometimes we forget to pay attention to ourselves. Some days we are unable to have breakfast properly due to lack of time and mostly we choose to skip lunch so that we can cover up most of our work. Times like these, we are ignoring our health. Lack of proper nutrition at proper time may lead to slight headaches, the blood pressure slowing down or feeling low on glucose. You will feel less energetic; therefore, concentrating on your work will be hard. To avoid such a situation, one must have a healthy snack like an oatmeal or chocolate bar for instant energy.


This is truly an invention of a genius who must have suffered heavily because of a stain on his clothes once. It can of use for anyone- a school going boy who is afraid being fined over dirty uniform, an employee who has to make a good impression on colleagues and especially the boss or the waitresses and chef that have to promote the idea of hygienic conditions in the kitchens. Now you don’t have to worry about getting an instant stain over you uniform, clothes or apron while having breakfast, coffee or preparing food. Because even if you do get one, this pen will remove it easily- all you have to do is rub it over the stain and- magic! It will be gone.

Top 10 Things to Put in Your Purse