March 1, 2025

30 People Sleeping With Dogs And Its The Most Adorable Thing You Will See Today

30 People Sleeping With Dogs And Its The Most Adorable Thing You Will See Today

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My Chihuahua sleeps in my bed. She just curls up next to my stomach or will lie down next to me and place her head on my back. It’s like we are each others security blankets. I had a Pit mix once who would lie at the foot of my bed but the minute I got up to go to the bathroom she would take my pillows hostage. With some coaxing she would be nice enough to let me have one pillow back and she would roll into my arms and fall asleep. It was like sleeping with a child. So feel free to tell us that did you ever let your dog sleep with you? and if yes then how was that experience?

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Girl and her dog comfortably sleeping in the bed

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images via: tumblr, photobucket and imgur.

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