March 30, 2025

26 Weird Phobias People Suffer From

26 Weird Phobias People Suffer From

01. Zelophobia – Fear of jealousy

Zelophobia - Fear of jealousy

If you hate going to bed or have fear of bathing then you might suffer from some sort of phobias. Here is a compilation of twenty six absolutely weird phobias that really exist.

02. Ablutophobia – Fear of washing or bathing.

Ablutophobia - Fear of washing or bathing.

03. Amathophobia – Fear of dust

Amathophobia - Fear of dust

04. Baropphobia – Fear of gravity.

Baropphobia - Fear of gravity.

05. Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia – Fear of body smells

Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia - Fear of body smells

06. Clinophobia – Fear of going to bed

Clinophobia - Fear of going to bed

07. Dendrophobia – Fear of trees

Dendrophobia - Fear of trees

08. Eisoptrophobia – Fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror

Eisoptrophobia - Fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror

09. Geliophobia – Fear of laughter

Geliophobia - Fear of laughter

10. Genuphobia – Fear of knees

Genuphobia - Fear of knees

11. Hyelophobia or Hyalophobia – Fear of glass

Hyelophobia or Hyalophobia - Fear of glass

12. Ideophobia – Fear of ideas

Ideophobia - Fear of ideas

13. Ithyphallophobia – Fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erection. Medomalacuphobia – Fear of losing an erection.

Ithyphallophobia - Fear of seeing, thinking about or havin an erection. Medomalacuphobia - Fear of losing an erection.

14. Kathisophobia – Fear of sitting down

Kathisophobia - Fear of sitting down

15. Lachanophobia – Fear of vegetables

Lachanophobia - Fear of vegetables

16. Logophobia – Fear of words

Logophobia - Fear of words

17. Mythophobia – Fear of myths or stories or false statements

Mythophobia - Fear of myths or stories or false statements

18. Nomatophobia – Fear of names

Nomatophobia - Fear of names

19. Octophobia – Fear of the figure 8

Octophobia - Fear of the figure 8

20. Ombrophobia – Fear of rain or of being rained on.

Ombrophobia - Fear of rain or of being rained on.

21. Optophobia – Fear of opening one’s eyes

Optophobia - Fear of opening one's eyes

22. Panophobia or Pantophobia – Fear of everything

Panophobia or Pantophobia - Fear of everythng

23. Peladophobia – Fear of bald people

Peladophobia - Fear of bald people

24. Plutophobia – Fear of wealth

Plutophobia - Fear of wealth

25. Sciophobia or Sciaphobia – Fear of shadows

Sciophobia Sciaphobia - Fear of shadows

26. Xyrophobia – Fear of razors

Xyrophobia - Fear of razors

source: ebaumbsworld

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