Hyper-realistic Sculptural Portraits by Sam Jinks

Boy - silicone, pigment, resin and human hair

Boy - silicone, pigment, resin and human hair

Sam Jinks is a talented and professional Australian visual artist. He works in several directions, which is typical now for many contemporary artists. Sam has created a wonderful and amazing series of hyper-realistic sculptural portraits. Each humanoid sculptural portrait artwork is carefully and meticulously constructed from silicone, resin, fiberglass and calcium carbonate, and their details ripened by biological mediums like human hair, still life, demonstrating an abundance of anatomical and physiological accuracy.

Hyper-realistic Sculptural Portrait of Woman and Man

woman and child

Hyper-realistic Sculptural Portrait of Man

small things

Two Beautiful Babies

Hyper-realistic Sculptural Portraits by Sam Jinks


Hyper-realistic Sculptural Man Portrait

Hyper-realistic Sculptural Portrait of Babies

Hyper-realistic Sculptural Portrait of boy

Hyper-realistic Sculptural Portrait

small things 2

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