March 31, 2025

Fascinating Artistic Kisses Made Out of Fruits and Vegetables

Fascinating Artistic Kisses Made Out of Fruits and Vegetables

Do you know that Cuts Fruits and Vegetables to Create Fascinating Artistic Kisses? What’s more beautiful than love? This is precisely what the Lithuanian artist Jolita Vaitkutė wants to prove to us, who creates works as incredible as they are original from fruits and vegetables for a most touching result.

The 28-year-old creative has always been keen to put a brief aspect at the center of her creations to remind us of the importance of enjoying every moment. This feeling continues in particular in the themes she addresses such as love in her artistic series entitled “Hungry for Love”.

Fascinating Artistic Kisses Made Out of Fruits and Vegetables

Indeed, she represented several artistic kisses of heterosexual and homosexual couples, all of which have the particularity of having been made using cabbage, sweet potatoes, beets, leeks, or even carrots. A process that also requires a lot of meticulousness and preparation to avoid damaging and deteriorating the food.

We let you discover below the touching works of Jolita Vaitkutė. You can visit his Instagram account to learn more about the artist’s artistic kisses.

The perfect opportunity to (re)share the Inspiring Fruit Shaped Furniture Designs Generated with AI Tool.

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Andrius and Robertas
Arnas and Tomas
Arnas and Tomas
Augustas and Emma
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Elizabeth and Osvaldas
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Gabriele and Gintare
Gabriele and Gintare
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Mother Edita and her daughter Augustė
Mother Edita and her daughter Augustė
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Rolandas and Reinaldas 1
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