There is nothing like first love. I’m sure you agree but In a sense, talking about the of love is like trying to drive nails into water. There’s love and love, and then there’s love. It’s so hard to pin down exact definitions when it comes to this feeling. There’s your first love, the love of your life, and what some lucky people discover to be “real one” or “true one.”
A first love can be so powerful, yet so hazy. The vast majority of us experience our first love when we are young, usually teenagers, a time when just about everything else about the world is confusing too. Love can be mysterious and elusive even for the oldest and wisest among us, so imagine what a challenge it is to youthful folks.
Here are some of the best first love quotes of all time. These first love quotes will surely help you in the way of expressing you feelings and emotions to the person you just have started loving.
A big thanks to tumblr for these beautiful First Love Quotes.