February 21, 2025

Will You Marry Me? 20 Heart Touching Examples of Marriage Proposals

Will You Marry Me? 20 Heart Touching Examples of Marriage Proposals

Will You Marry Me? Heart Touching Examples of Marriage Proposals

Here are some heart-touching examples of marriage proposals, which are very difficult to answer: “No!” Summer is the perfect time to take one of the major decisions in life. And if you’re not ready – look at these Marriage Proposals  and know how and where others do it 😉

With favorite dish
With favorite dish
With your morning coffee
With your morning coffee
In Photoshoot
In a Photoshoot
At Disneyland
At Disneyland
On her Birthday
On her Birthday
On her Birthday
On her Birthday
On her Birthday
For gamers
For gamers
For gamers
For gamers
he marine who proposed at the White House 1
he marine who proposed at the White House 1
he marine who proposed at the White House 1
he marine who proposed at the White House
Marriage Proposal with Cars
Marriage Proposal with Cars
New York’s Comic Con Proposal
New York’s Comic Con Proposal
New York’s Comic Con Proposal
New York’s Comic Con Proposal
On the beach
On the beach
On the beach
On the beach
On the New Year Eve
On the New Year Eve
Over breakfast
Over breakfast
Proposal on BuzzFeed
Proposal on BuzzFeed
Proposal on BuzzFeed
Proposal on BuzzFeed
Share marriage proposal with each movie ticket on which you were
Share marriage proposal with each movie ticket on which you were
The cleverclogs who wrote his proposal in lights.
The cleverclogs who wrote his proposal in lights.
The guy who said it with memes
The guy who said it with memes
The guy who said it with memes
The guy who said it with memes
The guy who said it with memes
The guy who said it with memes
The Londoner who popped the question on the Underground
The Londoner who popped the question on the Underground
The man who took out an advert in the local paper
The man who took out an advert in the local paper
Underwater Marriage Proposal
Underwater Marriage Proposal
With a hidden photographer
With a hidden photographer

via: buzzfeed

One thought on “Will You Marry Me? 20 Heart Touching Examples of Marriage Proposals

  1. Although I admire the seemntnit and have a similiar experience lurking in the back recesses of a long vanished past, I must say that it looks rather biblical to me. The white mark coming up the middle appears to be the ghostly pillar of a cross and the lettering is classic middle american christian. The Initials are a bit baffling I will admit. Perhaps standing for Christ’s Will or perhaps your artist had a lisp and he thought he was crafting Christ Rules! I do not know such mysteries are rarely revealed to the uninitiated.But I am glad to see such a dear friend so moved to such depths of dedication. I look forward to seeing the rest of the transformation.Love and respect (despite the tat remarks) as alwaysLyle

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