December 25, 2024

‘Nodding Donkeys’: Fantastic Pictures of Decorated Oil Pumps by Ben Sklar

‘Nodding Donkeys’: Fantastic Pictures of Decorated Oil Pumps by Ben Sklar

‘Nodding Donkeys’: Fantastic Pictures of Decorated Oil Pumps by Ben Sklar

Ben Sklar is a professional award winning photographer who lives and works in Austin, Texas where there is the best barbecue in the world, a perpetual drought, and everyone is a musician. Ben spent his early years in Baton Rouge but grew up in Austin, the only place where ‘hippies and cowboys’ can be friends.

If you ever visited Texas, then you have probably seen a Pumpjack. These fantastic “nodding donkeys” as they’re nicknamed, are used to mechanically lift oil out of wells and are plentiful in oil-rich areas across the state. Ben Sklar was inspired from them so he created an amazing photo series called “Pumpjack” in which he takes pictures of decorated oil pumps around the state.

Coquettishly Artistic Oil Pumps

Decorated Oil Pumps by Ben Sklar

‘Nodding Donkeys’

Coquettishly Artistic Oil Pumps

Decorated Oil Pumps by Ben Sklar

‘Nodding Donkeys’

Coquettishly Artistic Oil Pumps

Decorated Oil Pumps by Ben Sklar

‘Nodding Donkeys’

Coquettishly Artistic Oil Pumps

Decorated Oil Pumps by Ben Sklar

‘Nodding Donkeys’

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